Hello, everyone I hAve allergies to a few chemicals I once had an allergy to make-up and my eye swelled to the size of a golf ball. One time I accidentally took to many tablets that were marketed for the flue but my doctor wanted me to use it for insomnia. My face swelled up, I couldn't speak the doctors and nurses thought I was disabled nope all this over medication. I looked unrecognizable it was so terrifying for my family I got all these tests for cancer because that kind of swelling looked like a tumour. Nope all healthy I don't remember the name of that medication and I am glad I don't it was horrendous can you imagine if my face actually stayed like that disfigured and unrecognized? Anyway, two days ago I had another allergy again my eyes however it swollen a lot bit and I took antihistamine for it. I also had an allergy to mosquitos and the pharmacy gave me cream and antihistamines that you melt under your tongue. It was also those antihistamines I took when my eyes were showing signs of allergy. My mother suspected the make-up bit I have been using that brand for ages it was the baby wipes I used to wipe it off that made my face burn. I am wondering is there natural remedies for this? Also what is happening to my body? My eyes was so hot it was like boiling blood under my skin that melted ice cubes in like 20 seconds. What do I do? I do I need to see an allergist or a dermatologist? Also I am going to mention I am allergic to penicillin, bacterim and a few other Antibiotics thank you