Re: I am not convinced this is a wound
But you must remember that an open wound is exposed to chemicals in toothpaste. If you have a cut on your leg you can put a plaster on it and leave it to heal. The trouble is I think the area of exposure and that once a wound is opened through, for example biting, and is persistently irritated by a contact irritant from toothpaste this is going to repeatedly block the bodies attempt to heal.
It is also true to say that not everybodys EC is the same and started the same way. It helps to take close up photos over a long period of time and examine how the lips change and this way you can begin to notice any changes and when they occur, then you can figure out perhaps why they are occuring. I am certain my EC was originally started from lip biting, and the damaged lip was constantly irritated and not allowed to heal up due to toothpaste. I'm still in the process of healing them. I would say in my case it is true, but perhaps not for everyone. I think though for such a small area to be such a big problem and no where else, you have to look and see what is coming into contact with the area and why other areas are not affected. Some of the theories mentioned here about autoimmune disease/bacteria/fungal etc, they are informative but I don't think very helpful for some people.
Crucially anyone with EC wants to know WHAT is causing the EC so that they can take action to cure it. Examine the wound theory first and do everything you can to cure it (see my blog) and if you see no improvement after months then explore other options.