Aluminum(reminder),Water Surface Tension,Blood's Zeta Potential, SIDS, Vaccine Actions
"A considerable amount of--research has gone into the physics of Surface Tension (and) salts. -- almost no salt combination ruins both Surface Tension and Zeta Potential as quickly at low concentrations as soluble aluminum, Al+3." (A fluids Surface Tension and Zeta Potential is found to be of importance in 'Structured' water, our cell's proper functioning and Blood health. Drs Tennant, Seneff and others investigations involved in decyphering our voltage driven bio chem systems, also alert us to these important factors.)
"The human GI tract and skin have developed in a world where aluminum is the third most common element, yet no known biological use or tolerance for aluminum has been found. Mammals have numerous systems to prevent its entrance to the blood or lymph. So, how could aluminum penetrate into our blood?"
"A healthy microbiome keeps the gut lining properly sealed. (However, many agricultural biocides, see Monsanto,) are known to selectively kill gut microbes. Dysbiosis produces toxins that (further) destroy the intestinal lining. The liver’s CP450 detoxification pathways are inhibited. Leaky gut permits aluminum to directly enter the blood."
(Aluminum is a common ingredient in some baking powders, refined salt, buffered aspirin, dry cake mixes, pastries and croissants made from frozen dough, processed cheeses, some donuts and waffles, muffins, many common toothpastes, especially tooth whitening products. A newer development is the hidden aluminum in food coloring, even organic colorings such as cochineal can have been treated with color enhancers or mordants, usually aluminum.)
(--extremely well-funded lobbying organizations--- present aluminum compounds as harmless minerals.)
(The use of aluminum in drinking water is being raised as a concern in several countries. Most utilities in Europe and the United States do exceed the recommended level of 100mcg per liter, some by as much as sixty times.)
"How else could soluble aluminum get directly into the blood? It gets there as a vaccine adjuvant (helper)."
"Without aluminum in a vaccine, the body breaks down and eliminates foreign proteins and nucleic acids—antibodies are never made. This ruins the whole vaccine (supposition), which claims that vaccines are effective because they produce antibodies.”
"One flaw in certain vaccine trials is that subject reactions to the full vaccine are compared to reactions to just the aluminum adjuvant (without) the antigens. In this way, all the negative reactions in trials are never blamed on the vaccine."
"Dr. Viera Scheibner monitored infant breathing patterns. Shallow, rapid breathing (hypopnea) indicates a stressed condition, which SIDS researchers had previously called “false alarms.” Instead, she found, following vaccine injections, such alarm reactions increased within one to two days, with a period of resistance developing at five to seven days, and the child appearing to recover. This was followed by exhaustion around day sixteen, with worsening stress evident. The forty-one babies that died at various points during this process were classed as SIDS, as these stressors were categorized as insignificant."
"The late physician Andrew Moulden believed that vaccinations cause mini-strokes, and the common aluminum adjuvants explain why, especially as aluminum serves to collapse both (extracellular fluids) zeta potential and (our cells) Exclusion Zone (H3O2) water, and it also acts as a neuro-toxin."
"Feeding even relatively small amounts of some aluminum salts to laboratory animals results in brain tissue damage identical to that found in Alzheimer's sufferers (neurofibrillary tangles). Recent research using laboratory rats has identified aluminum fluoride as-- readily penetrating the blood-brain barrier. Significant damage was registered when they were given drinking water with only 0.5 parts per million concentration."
"According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals), if an individual has had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his or her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had one, two or no shots. Dr. Fudenberg says it is due to the mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot (and most childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction."