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The salt doesn't enter your bloodstream
In a properly prepared SWF, the salt does not enter the blood stream. It is important to measure carefully, however, since the water/salt ratio is critical. This is because in proper ratio, the mixture has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. That is why the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) gushes out the anus within a couple hours.
If you drink a
quart or a gallon of regular or lightly salted water, it is eliminated via the kidneys. A
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) prepared with too much salt will have a greater specific gravity than blood and will also be eliminated via the kidneys. This is quite dangerous, since the salt will also be absorbed, leading to potential for a pottasium imbalance.
Salt has been used throughout the ages to draw out poisons. Salt will sterilize and make it possible for the body to repair itself. When you have a wound on your foot that gets infected, soaking the foot in saltwater draws out toxins. If you have damaged the intestinal tract with fissures or diverticula, the salt will cleanse in a similar way.