I am 64 YO and my teeth are 100% sound - no cavities or fillings but I do see the gum receding on one tooth.
I take many medicines incl, hydrocodone, lisinopril, levothyroxine, allopurinol, neuronton and Cymbalta. I get a REALLY Bad dry mouth from all these meds. In researching what to do about the dry mouth, I came across OP and I have been doing it for about 2 weeks. I use coconut oil and I hope that in addition to my dry mouth OP will eventually help with some of my other health problems. I follow the OP with brushing my teeth with salt and baking soda but I have ordered some xylitol and hope to make a homemade toothpaste.
Here is my question: I take a handful of medicines at about 5:30 am. Then I get up at about 8:00 or so and would like to do OP then. Is there any problem that I have taken meds and maybe a piece of fruit only 2 1/2 hours earlier?
I am especially concerned that I reduce the effectiveness of either the OP the meds or both.