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Is 800 mg of albendazole daily for 2 weeks okay for roundworms?
bk091 Views: 1,408
Published: 9 y

Is 800 mg of albendazole daily for 2 weeks okay for roundworms?

Is it okay to take 800 mg of Albendazole a day? I'm taking 400 mg of it every 12 hours and have been taking it for 6 days to battle these worms I feel moving around in my head, neck, back, arm, GI tract.. I'm planning on taking it for 2 weeks, but if that is an overload on my liver can someone let me know?

Albendazole is a little confusing because I have read other sources which say that just one dose is enough to kill roundworms.

Does anyone know how albendazole works? I know it is supposed to immobilize the roundworms and deprive them of their ability to metabolize and convert energy (glucose) but how long does it stay in your system? and what if you have digestive and malabsorption issues? I just want to make sure I'm taking the right dose so these buggers will never get any chances to metabolize any sugars. What if they are moving more? Does it mean it's not working?

How does one detox to ensure no damage is done to the liver?

Also, does having Candida exacerbate Roundworms? Should I be staying away from Sugar completely? Because fudge me if that's true. I have been eating lots of white rice thinking these worms can't get to it because of the albendazole..


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