abdominal bloating/distention, GI issue
Hello! I am a 23 yr old female and for the past 4 months I have been dealing persistent abdominal bloating/distention. I wake up with a bloated stomach and it progressively gets larger throughout the day, even after just drinking a glass of water. I have not seen my normal belly since this problem occurred. I have a moderately
healthy Diet incorporate foods from all food groups and indulging here and there time to time. I exercise regularly, am at healthy weight for my height, and drink lots of water. I am currently taking a probiotic daily.
Here are the following tests I have had done...all their results were normal.
- abdominal ultrasound - normal
- transvaginal ultrasound - normal
- sitz marker test (tracking how quick I empty my bowels) - normal
- bloodwork: celiac, thyroid, anemia - all three normal
- stool test for candida - normal
Additional complaints:
- mood problems: depression/anxiety/irritability
- can get easily constipated, but past couple months I have been going regularly for the most part (plus Sitz Marker test revealed I am
- Also my I breakout easily...it's not serious to be
Acne and easily covered up, but I do have blemishes/red marks on my cheeks
- low energy and fatigue easily.
My GI-NP and GP don't seem to know where else to go from here. I have bacterial overgrowth test scheduled, but the lab isn't giving me the appointment until the end of October. So, just last week my GP prescribed me an
Antibiotic (Cephalexan) and Diflucan (for possible yeast infection). No help. Last week, my GI-NP prescribed me Flagyl. I read the reviews and am apprehensive about taking it, so I have not started that yet.
I don't know what to do. I have been limiting and reducing my gluten/dairy/sugar intake at home. But of course when I go out to eat in social settings, it can be difficult. Next week I will be getting my own place, so I will be more strict about my diet then. (At home with family members who don't have a strict diet can be tough as well).
**If anyone has some insight on what is going on with me it would be greatly appreciated!***
Additionally - if I go on a diet cutting out gluten/dairy and if I have a "cheat day" and eat a piece of cake for my birthday coming up, will that basically cancel out all the dieting I had been doing previously and bring me back to square one?
Also, I have done some surface research on candida and leaky gut. I had the stool test done for candida which came out normal, however I read that sometimes they can give you false negatives. Should I still try a candida diet or just one of those diets in general that cut out gluten/dairy/sugars.
Also, would I benefit from candida eliminating products/leaky gut support products? I've been reading about CandiGone and Dr. Axe's Leaky Gut Support pack.