For a while now I have had symptoms of fatigue, hair loss, depression, scalp psorasis, slow digestion, fibrocystic breasts, and felling stressed/overwhelmed, very slow weight loss. I finally went to get tests done and just got the results back. The doctor said the only thing she thought was an issue was my vitamin d levels..they were 27 ng/ml. However, at this point about 2 months prior I had started taking 2,000 IU of vitamin d daily..so this number could have been much lower prior to that. Also my TSH was 3.29, free t3 3.2 pg/ml, free t4 1.0 ng/DL, thyroglobulin antibodies <1 iu/ml, thyroid peroxidase antibodies 2 IU/ml and lastly ferritin levels were 29 ng/ml. So as far as I know, I am aware that my TSH is definitly elevated but my doctor would not give me thyroid hormone. I am planning on starting the autoimmune paleo diet tomorrow, which only removes oats, nuts, eggs from my current diet..but other than that..what can I do now to lower my TSH without thyroid hormones?