Is this candida die off from ACV? What do I do in this situation? Help please
I need help. I recently bought the Bragg's ACV and for the past 5 days have been taking 2-3 tablespoons a day to hopefully aid my candida overgrowth. I had a yeast infection I was taking monistat for, and had very bad dandruff and sebhorric dermatitis that I was using nizorale on. Neither of which were working. I had read about ACV and finally got my hands on Braggs.
Well, I'm definitely not doing so well. I'm itchy all over. I feel like I'm sick. I've gained 5
pounds despite not changing my diet otherwise and look ridiculously bloated and puffy. My skin and hair and eyelashes and literally everywhere is itching and I've scratched myself so much that I have scratches on my skin that have bled and scabbed over. I've been diagnosed with IBS and SIBO, and my SIBO symptoms like bloating, gas, pain, seem a lot worse despite avoiding FODMAP foods, and I've been ridiculously hungry even when I've eaten or should be full. The other thing I've noticed is my joints, especially those in my fingers, feel swollen and stiff. I feel so sick right now. I don't know what to do. I scheduled an appointment with my PCP for next week because I feel like I need antifungals since everything has worsened, the yeast infection, skin issue, all of it. (On an unrelated note, I have Cushing's Syndrome and have been skipping around the possibility of going on Ketoconazole for that alone) I just can't deal with this. I do have an impaired immune system already with Cushing's and Hashimotos being two diseases I have.
The only thing that's changed is the implementing of the ACV in my diet. I'm hesitant to question if this is a "die-off" reaction. My diet hasn't changed otherwise. I need to know how to best proceed as far as what I can do within the next week. Do I keep taking ACV even though I'm miserable? Is there anything you'd suggest for the overall skin itching and rash? If this is die off, how can I keep killing it without making myself sick? any suggestions or help would be amazing.
The last time I felt so sick was after doing an ACV enema and then
coffee enema for the first time. That expelled a ton of white shredded looking stuff and I felt horrible the next two days, but this has been five and no improvement yet, just complete worsening. I'm miserable and so would like to be out of this immediate misery.