Re: Collodial silver enema for urethritis??
Potentially it could work but be aware that DMSO also carries anything on the skin into the skin and that can include bacteria and anything else on the skin. It's powerful stuff, I have some and have used some myself and I was extremely careful with it. I washed the area thoroughly and then sterilized the area before I applied it and that I did with a sterilized handle of a spoon and not a finger.
Your groin will most likely have a great deal of bacteria. Having a shower and washing thoroughly before sterilizing the area might be worth doing. If your not very careful you could end up with even more bacteria where you don't want it or at least inside your skin. The
Colloidal Silver should help destroy bacteria but I would try and limit any additional bacteria as much as you can.
Internally it could carry it into the bloodstream quicker which could help reduce it reacting and forming silver chloride. I think that might make it more effective.
You might try DMSO and CS under your tongue which would avoid the stomach. A high concentration of CS would be helpful in such situations.