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Image Embedded Good News for ADHD Sufferers: It's a Giant Hoax
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Good News for ADHD Sufferers: It's a Giant Hoax

Aug. 03, 2016

Seventy-eight percent of young kids diagnosed with ADHD as a child "no longer had the disorder when they were 18," a new study has found.

From TheConversation:

In a recent study, we found that most cases of childhood ADHD resolve over time...

...It seems that children with ADHD are more likely than others to have sleep problems such as sleeplessness.

...we investigated this question in a study of 2,232 twin children from England and Wales. We followed them from age five to 18. Of these children, 12% had ADHD during childhood.

Good news

Our findings indicate that people with ADHD as children as compared to those without, slept significantly more poorly at the age of 18. However, 78% of the children in our sample who had ADHD as a child, no longer had the disorder when they were 18. Their ADHD had resolved over time. What's more, the sleep quality of those participants who no longer had ADHD was no worse than those who have never had it.

We think that this provides a positive message for families struggling to cope with sleep problems in children with ADHD. This disorder may resolve over time and, if it does, it is likely that the associated poor sleep will also be a thing of the past. Yes, by 18, they may be too old to spare their parents the wakeful nights, but parents want the best for their children and it will give many some welcome solace to know that things could improve in future.
It resolves over time because it's not an actual disorder. It's a scam to sell meth to kids.

Leon Eisenberg, the "scientific father of ADHD," admitted shortly before his death in an interview with Der Spiegel it's a "fabricated disorder":
One out of every ten 10-year-old boys already takes an ADHD drug daily. But the scientific father of ADHD has followed the explosion of prescriptions with growing horror. Leon Eisenberg took over the management of psychiatry at the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and became one of the most famous psychiatrists in the world. In his last interview, seven months before his death from prostate cancer at the age of 87, he distanced himself from his youthful indiscretion.

A tall, thin man with glasses and suspenders opened the door to his apartment in Harvard Square in 2009, invited me to the kitchen table, and poured coffee. He said that he never would have thought his discovery would someday become so popular. "ADHD is a prime example of a fabricated disorder," Eisenberg said. "The genetic predisposition to ADHD is completely overrated."

Instead, child psychiatrists should more thoroughly determine the psychosocial reasons that can lead to behavioral problems, Eisenberg said. Are there fights with parents, are there are problems in the family? Such questions are important, but they take a lot of time, Eisenberg said, adding with a sigh: "Prescribe a pill for it very quickly."
I had a friend when I was younger pumped full of these drugs throughout school, he acted awkward and weird all the time because he was literally on drugs. When he finally got off them after getting out of school, all his symptoms resolved themselves and he's went on to live a normal life. He told me when he was on the pills he was going out of his mind.

We're living in a bizarro world that it even has to be said not to drug children with methamphetamine-like stimulants. Of course, it's only perceived as "normal" because our hostile media says it is and our government schools find these drugs useful to force conformity and quell rebellion. If you or your kids are on these drugs and want to get off, keep in mind you have to do it with the support of a medical doctor as these drugs must be weaned off slowly or else there could be serious side effects.



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