OLD news (2014) and debunked many times over!
Dredging up old sludge - This story is certainly muddy!
1) HCG used as a contraceptive has been shown in research that it suppresses ovulation and, in perhaps in rare cases, MAY prevent implantation of the blastocyst - It's not the main objective.
2) The medical director of one of the labs where the six samples of vaccine were sent revealed that the Catholic organization sent the samples to labs without mention that they were vaccines. The samples were tested as if they were urine or serum samples submitted for HCG pregnancy testing. A different analysis methodology should have been used for a vaccine sample.
3) All of the testing values that the labs provided to the Catholic organization were ALL BELOW 5 micrograms which is below the reliability levels of the testing methodology applied. I have no idea if the labs included this disclaimer with their results but, ethically, they should have!
4) A survey of PubMed research about HCG as a contraceptive vaccine agent going back into the 1970s reveals a number of facts that counter any allegation that the very low level of HCG SUPPOSEDLY detected in the tetatus vaccine could possibly cause sterilization.
5) Research has been ongoing into HCG based contraceptive vaccines for many years, phase testing has been underway for a few years but no product has ever come to market. Notably, the levels of HCG in contraceptive vaccines studied over the past 40 or so years all contain HCG at a level 20 to 100 times (!) that reported in the vaccine - IF you can even consider the lab reports valid!
7) NONE of the many research studies conducted with HCG contraceptive vaccines thus far have reported failure of return of normal ovulation.