The effects of improving/repairing environmentally destroyed cell to cell communication, in an anaerobic and acidic, candida fouled body.
Dr. Bush: The product doesn’t heal anything. The body heals itself. The reality is that Restore is just the communication network that’s going to turn the normal mechanisms of cell and systems repair back on. (With proper cell to cell networking) the stress (lessens)---. --- it functionally increases the antioxidant reservoir so that the areas of damage--- all of those areas, now have more reservoir for doing what they do best which is cell repair, replacement, recovery of systems balance.
Joanne(Colon Hydro-Therapist): I’ve been using the Restore now for 8 months in my clinic as a colon hydro-therapist and I’ve taken all my clients off of probiotics, digestive enzymes, and they are experiencing huge, huge progress. ------- time after time I would do colon cleanses and undigested food would be coming out. It’d be fermented. It would be full of mucous, and that’s all gone away now. So thank you, so much.
I’m seeing candida coming out of everybody, including 13, 14, 15-year-old children. Now (after using RESTORE) that has started to diminish. I was using large amounts of probiotics, digestive enzymes, and so on and so forth for the last 6 years and to no avail. There was no progress being made. I’ve never, ever had a product in my office where I’ve had so many people come back and say, “I need 3 bottles because my brother and my sister need this.” I can’t thank you enough.