Ketoconazole experience?
Hello all !
I just got prescribed ketonconazole (200mg) by my Dr. today. I have been on diflucan as well as nystatin for the past month with little to no avail. Symptoms still remain. Symptoms include: shallow breathing, inability to take a full deep breath,
food intolerances , rash around mouth, overall 'sluggish' look in my face, bumps on scalp, weird smell coming from nose, chronic chapped lips, chronic bad breath and brain fog (obviously).
I am hoping this will begin to clear up my candida, considering this is one of the stronger azoles.
I took a stool test and it came back with 2 different candida strains, as well as an overgrowth of a dysbiotic bacteria called citrobacter freundii.
I am also considering taking a heavy metal test and may start chelating. Have been reading a lot about the mercury/candida connection.
My question is: have any of you experienced a positive result from Ketonazole? Also have any of you found success through chelating which resulted in the symptoms slowly disappearing?
Thank you.