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Re: Which generator: Puppy, Silvonic, Colloid Master, Silver Bullet
grizz Views: 2,081
Published: 9 y
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Re: Which generator: Puppy, Silvonic, Colloid Master, Silver Bullet

"No blocked veins that I know of"

Trust me... ALL OF US suffer from atherosclerosis that gets progressively worse from age 30.

You won't know you that have clogged arteries until you get a heart attack or stroke.

My son's father in law died at 57 yrs old from a massive stroke caused by carotid arteries that were 95% blocked. We saw him 5 months before he died, and he was the picture of good health. He had no idea that his carotid arteries (in the neck) were 95% blocked, until it was too late.

If you don't believe me, you can get your arteries scanned at the nearest hospital.

Also, the majority of strokes are caused by clogged arteries. If you are in doubt about your Nitric Oxide being severely low, then get the saliva test strips to see for yourself:



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