Re: Is that a fluke?
It does have the shape of a fluke but it looks like some kind of see through shell, maybe the photo is misleading?
Look, just read today that one way to tell if you have a worm is to pour boiling water on it. Worms will not dissolve, but mucus will. Otherwise it might be undigested food. Have you eaten something that looks like this?
Heart pain and the activity there is a clear sign of the hyperinfection stage with strongyloides and
Ascaris or other roundworms. I have had countless nights when these bastards kept me awake crawling through my heart, with pain, squeeze, fast heartbeat, high pulse and the feeling of death. You need to start removing your roundworms and subsequentially the flukes. Strongyloides survives all treatments, except for fenben and moxi, but need to repeat for months. There are several meds for this, mattk3's document and sharkman's posts are all useful infos. You need to detox like crazy in the meantime with a super clean diet and keep your ph on min. 6.5 in order not to get a toxic shock. Mattk3 has removed all these systemically and still now removing strongyloides, which is the toughest of all. I am still in the process, i have started meds in april. I am feeling so much better. You can do this.
The user Mizmac has lots of great info and pointers in this subject. I have read the kalcker protocol he suggested, although that is not for systemic infections, still a wealth of information.