Quercetin and Anemia
It seems that I have had a life-long problem of becoming anemic from time to time. I don't know the cause.
However, with the advent of the computer I can now research the suspects.
I found that a daily diet of Onions can cause anemia. So can a lot of Garlic.
One time recently I was "into" the
Iodine thing. Then I found myself anemic. Well too much
Iodine can cause anemia.
Now here I am anemic again.
So I am going thru the new things I have been taking.
I came upon Quercetin.... It has been used for iron overload. How does it do that? Well it stops Iron from working. I did search for "anemia and quercetin" but did not get a direct reference. I did see the thing about Iron overload and found the answer there - it was indirect, which is what prompted me to write this as warning to others.
So if you become anemic, do carefully research every item you have been ingesting for a while.