Reckless, profit-driven doctors prescribing children as young as 12 sex-change hormones
Doctors at British "gender identity clinics" are prescribing sex-change hormones for children as young as 12 years old, according to recent U.K. media reports.
One Welsh GP, Dr. Helen Webberley, admitted that she is treating a "handful" of patients under 16 with cross-sex hormones, one of whom is a 12-year-old living as a boy.
The child in question has been taking puberty blockers since the age of nine and wants to begin testosterone treatments, which are not provided by the NHS until the age of 16.
Webberley believes that if children are sure about their gender identity, they should not be forced to wait until the age of 16 to begin treatments.
Webberley told MailOnline:
"This is an unusually clear-cut case of a child living as a boy who wants to grow up with his friends, who are boys, but cannot get treatment from the NHS.
"The NHS knows it has a problem and is bursting at the seams because it cannot deal with the number of referrals - and doesn't have enough doctors interested in the field.
"We need to find a way to deal with these easy cases quickly so that specialist clinics can concentrate on the more tricky ones."
But what Webberley calls "easy cases" may not be so clear-cut after all, according to other experts who disagree with the use of sex-change hormones on minors.
Sex-change hormones for minors is "child abuse"
One of these experts is consultant psychiatrist Dr. James Barrett, who told The Guardian that many children will change their minds about sex-change treatments once they progress beyond puberty and "will end up with no need for lifelong medical intervention, surgery and with no loss of natural fertility should they want children."
The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) said: "Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse."
Treating minors with sex-change hormones is not illegal for clinics such as the one Webberley practices in, and some charities in the UK are calling for the NHS to review its policies. Private clinics in the U.K. say they are overwhelmed by an increase of cases in recent years.
Although the media coverage of this story doesn't mention the reasons why there has been such an increase in cases of gender confusion, it has been shown that environmental toxins may be a significant factor.
Do gender-bending toxins play a role in cases of gender confusion?
We are being exposed to hormones and hormone-disrupting toxins in our food and water supply, and the problem continues growing worse by the day.
Phthalates, which are toxins found in plastics and consumer products, disrupt hormone levels in both males and females. Phthalate exposure can lead to as much as a 34 percent drop in testosterone levels among boys age 6 to 12.
BPA and similar chemicals used in plastic bottles are endocrine-disruptors that play havoc with estrogen levels in women, leading to early puberty, birth defects, infertility and other serious health problems.
Our children are already being bombarded with gender-bending toxins, and prescribing sex-change hormones to 12-year-olds truly is - as the ACP rightly labeled it - a form of child abuse.
The answer is not in drugs, no matter how serious the gender issues may be - at least where minors are concerned.
An organic diet that includes natural supplements and the avoidance of toxins is a far better approach to supporting hormonal balance in both adults and children.
No matter what one's scientific, cultural, political or spiritual beliefs are regarding gender "fluidity," it is simply indefensible to knowingly expose our children to gender-bending toxins, and even less excusable to submit them to sex-change hormones before they are old enough to make rational decisions.