The Overview Of What's Happening In The US Right Now
Just wanted to give the overview of what's happening in America right now.
Our "government" built up local police forces over the last couple of decades by supplying them with military weapons, gear and equipment, which will of course sprouted a few bad and crazy apples. Over the last year or so the "government" is taking that back after the recent mass shootings, leaving our police thinking they and the community are not safe and secure any more. And now our "government" is saying we need to protect the people from this abusive police system THEY funded, supported and built with OUR "money," and have created the White House Task Force on 21st Century Policing policies where O'Buggerhead is making policies he wants local “law enforcement” to follow, when he has no authority to do so. They are also creating the "Strong Cities Network", through the UN which is clearly an international effort. And this agenda allows any member of the project to request UN troops to implement and enforce it. Plus the US has already signed on to UN troops being allowed to come into this country to "protect" its civilians from danger and harms way.
So what we are seeing right now is the same method they have used throughout the world to overthrow other governments and countries. 1) Make the country “better” with gifts and support in various ways, 2) only to take them away later, 3) causing the people to riot and stand up against the “government” 4) so the military can be brought in to stop civil unrest. 5) Essentially turning the country into a socialist state. 6) And then handing it over to the global community. The New World Order.
And wait till you see the national conventions starting next week where 1) the delusional lefts and rights will be there fighting for their delusional beliefs that they are somehow different, along with 2) Black Panthers having an armed protest. 3) Black Lives Matters there. 4) Bikers for Trump locked and loaded. 5) The Coalition to Stop Trump doing their “deeds” along with other organizations. 6) Not to mention the usual "anarchists"/FBI/Soro's goons trying to disrupt everything. 7) While Ohio is an open carry state. 8) And Cleveland police are under federal oversight for "a pattern or practice of the use of excessive force", and 9) Cleveland police plan on using bikes to keep the different protesters separated. 10) And the Cleveland Clinic has also been told to remain on call, and prepared for a situation where the hospital is cut off from outside aid and supplies. 11) While there will probably be about 3-5 cops for every 50 protesters.
Talk about a recipe for disaster! And it's an NSSE event just like the Orlando shooting supposedly was, so it's planned out months ahead of time by the secret service. And yes, I have all the evidence ready to post showing what I just said is true, if anyone wants it.
People don't realize they are being played like a drum, and they are delivering themselves right into the hands they are fighting. The only peaceful solution is to stop the rioting and killing, and simply replace the current corrupt and failed system just like the BRICS nations are doing. There is nothing they can do to stop that, and you see the evidence it's true right in front of your eyes. They can only stop violence and civil unrest. Any killing of innocent civilians by our "government" will result in their immediate deaths, like you are seeing with the police right now.
Ok, I'm done, but that's what you're seeing play out, and the solution for it. Stop buying into the violence will end violence idea.