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Cleveland Police Ordered To Stand Down
ChaztheMeatHead Views: 888
Published: 9 y

Cleveland Police Ordered To Stand Down

If this article is true, it looks like Cleveland is going to turn into a free for all of the century this next week. According to the article, Cleveland police have been told to stand down during the Republican National Convention.

Looks like 50,000 people, political big-wigs, delegates and demonstrators are expected.

Black Panthers will be having an armed protest.

Black Lives Matters will be there.

And remember the leader of Black Lives Matters, Deray, met with O'retard in the White House yesterday (wed.) for 3 hours, if that doesn't tell you something. (From his Twitter Account)

Bikers for Trump will be there trying to make sure Trump supporters are safe and to stand with the police if they're there and need it.

"Coalition to Stop Trump” will be there too.

Not to mention the usual "anarchists"/FBI/Soro's goons trying to disrupt everything.

Also, Ohio is an open carry state. And Cleveland police are under federal oversight by the Department of Justice after being cited in 2014
for "a pattern or practice of the use of excessive force". Perfect ;-)

And another really silly thing is that the Cleveland police plan on using bikes to keep the different protestors separated.

The Cleveland Clinic has also been told to remain on call, and prepared for a situation where the hospital is cut off from outside aid and supplies, according to CNN.

Cleveland believes this event will be too dangerous for police is why the police were allegedly told to stand down. Talk about recipe for destruction even if the police are going to be there! And I think I read somewhere, there will be 2,000 cops to 50,000 protestors? 2 for every 50 protestors it looks like? That's not going to work I don't think. We'll see I guess as time goes by. But this doesn't look good no matter how you look at it.


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