Re: Prazi Overdose? Need some advice.
You can. Take 3-4g of ester c per day, with a teaspoon of msm in a big glass of distilled water 4 x a day. Spirulina 4-6g per day (500mg caps) and chlorella 1 g before bed, away from food and meds. Chlorella chelates heavy metals from bile. I rarely use charcoal . Fresh coriander leaves and parsley also chelates. Distilled water chelates toxins.
Should you start to have a bad die off, you can take 6g of ester c per day and more spirulina. And lots of distilled water.
You should supplement your minerals though, because worms suck them away as well. Potassium, copper, magnesium, selenium, chromium, vanadium, boron, manganese. I did a hair analysis to see what i am short of. If you are out of balance, you can get very sick if you get a kill. Better support yourself and prepare in advance. Iron supplement you should avoid completely. It feeds worms and many other pathogens. Only spinach and beetroot, and other natural iron should be used.