Day 6 of 14 day water fast-liver hurting
This is my first to post in the forum. I've done a large amount of research but am still not getting the info I was hoping for in a few areas, so I thought I'd ask here.
I've done quite a bit of intermittent fasting but not any short or long term fasts before. October 2 years ago I started the AIP(Auto Immune Protcol Paleo diet, which is basically an elimination diet, to help with my Fibromyalgia/myofascial restriction that I had been dealing with for 5 years or so then. Over the course of the next year I lost 33
pounds and felt really good. I still had some symptoms, but nothing like before. I also have osteoarthritis in my fingers and have nodules on my upper finger joints that hurt at times and look ugly. I'm 43 and feel this is way too early to be dealing with this. So almost 2 years later, I am still eating the way I was, but have added back in some things, and cheated a bit hear and there based on circumstances, gaining 10 of those
pounds back and not feeling as good. So I ran across this book on fasting at Half Price Books, and it just sparked something in me to read more on this and do a fast. So I tried to schedule it the best I could. I am on day 6 of my water fast. In the middle of the night after day 2, I did vomit bile and maybe mucus? It was kinda green. On the evening of Day 4 I started feeling very week, and almost fluish. Yesterday (day 5) I felt really crappy. Low grade fever with chills, skin hot to the touch, dizzy, slight headache, nauseous leading to vomiting(completely clear fluid), and my liver hurting. I also have had bloodshot eyes with the right eye actually hurting some for 3 days(which I read has to do with the liver). Also, as of this morning, day 6, I have lost about 12.5
lbs. My starting weight was 144.
In my research, I've seen where doing fasting today is quite a bit different than many years ago, because of the amount of toxins we have in our bodies and how quickly it overloads the liver. So after this long post, my question is, do you think I'm doing ok? Is this somewhat normal? Could I be overloading my liver too quickly? I have done quite a few liver/gallbladder cleanses in the past 5 years or so to get rid of as many
Gallstones as possible, even leading up to this fast.
My second question is, I noticed on a website called
Water Cure s, that they recommended taking 1/8 tsp of salt on the tongue and dissolving in the mouth right before every 16
oz cup of water during the fast. I have also read though to not take in anything but water, which is what I've been doing. Should I be doing that with the salt? Any thoughts on that?
I would appreciate any advice you have. Thanks so much for taking a look at my long post :)