Think about silicone permeating the tissues. If you lose weight, as will happen as you get rid of the poisons, (many pounds of dried-on fecal matter can be gotten out of the colon. I have pics of the rubberized stuff that came out of me) the tissues will draw up. Silicone is very sticky and will offer resistance as you move or the body stretches out and the muscles contact and extend. The fascia will get torn up. The nerves and vascular system is involved making this a very painful experience. It's what the medical calls "delusional parasitosis". The information available about Morgellons. This forum gives you an alternative to taking the drugs. Just kill the bugs and clean it out. BTW, there will be an infection that goes along with this that includes a mycoplasma. I'd suggest using natural antibiotics like Schulze's super tonic that you can make up yourself. Echinacea. Antibiotics are the initial cause of any disease which goes right along with Bernard Jensen's "Death Begins In The Colon". Destroy the gut brain and you've got a problem on your hands. Dysbiosis will cause a lot of problems. At this point in time, taking a medical antibiotic could kill you as the intestines need to heal. A word from someone who's been there.