Plunge Control to Major Draghi: bluff for fourteen months then turn the spigot on
3 … 2 … 1 … Lift-off !
This is Plunge Control to Major Draghi: You've hardly made the grade
And the Germans want to know whose loss they’ll share
Now it's time to print more money, if you dare
This is Major Draghi to Plunge Control: I'm hearing cries of ‘More !’
The euro’s floating in a most peculiar way
And the DAX looks very different today
For here am I printing just like Greenspan, flying above the world
My helicopter’s blue, and I’ve got more work to do
Though I've tossed 500 billion euros, they haven’t had their fill
And I hope my markets know which way to go
Tell the Greeks I hate them very much (they know)
Plunge Control to Major Draghi: Your market's RED! There's something wrong …
Can you hear me, Major Draghi? Can you hear me, Major Draghi?! Can you . . .
. . . here am I crashing with my big plan, default risk to the Moon
Merkel’s face is blue and there’s nothing I can do