Having looked at pictures of Shingles, it does look like what I have, but mine isn't as wide spread as some of the photos I've seen and is localised to around the outer armpit area, one small area between the breast area and a small patch on the back of the left shoulder.
I've never used Colloidal Silver before, how is it's safety? I hear it can cause Colloidal Silver and lots of sites are saying it's unsafe. If it can be a tool in fighting this infection (whether it's Shingles or not) I want to try it but only if it's safe. The earliest I can have a blood test is next Tuesday, I asked if I could have one sooner but it's not possible.
I live in the UK but use iHerb to order stuff from America. Please can you recommend me a good cheap Colloidal Silver product? I notice they often have [NUMBER]ppm, what is this? what ppm would I need?