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Re: this video should be watched attentively.
sman1109 Views: 2,750
Published: 9 y
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Re: this video should be watched attentively.

from what i read on this, it is caused from eating processed or refined foods. it causes the skull to narrow in the front, beginning in the nose with the teeth and so on.

they recommend an organic raw food diet, but once the damage is done low level laser therapy is the quickest way to relax the muscles on the jaw that are connected to the brain.

the cheapest and only low level laser for pain relief anywhere on the body is almost $500 on amazon. there are Proprioceptive Guides, but no one sells them that i can find on the internet.

so when the lower jaw is misaligned with the skull it causes the parasympathetic nervous system to lose homeostasis with the sympathetic nervous system, which is a cause for many diseases and even impotence as is the problem in this thread.

there are so many complications rising out of the body these days, and so many explanations it would take a doctorate degree in alternative medicine to begin learning about this stuff lol.



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