Re: A family that gets it
"alternative medicine" has been on my mind a lot lately. what's alternative about what humans have used for 1000s of yrs? "practicing medicine"?? THEY will have to "practice" THEIR alternative medicine on somebody else.
IF ONLY, God would open up the eyes of my own children!!!! They have seen me not die twice and they still don't get it! They've sat at dr's appts with me and rolled their eyes as I refuse the Rx that the dr is handing out - even when they were trying to put me on statins after telling me my cholesterol is on the low side of normal? NOT EVEN IF HER NAME WAS DR. STATIN!!
Social Security judge had to laugh at "non-compliant" in my medical files, but I covered my butt to his satisfaction, got my "fully favorable" decision. It only took them 3 1/2 yrs!?!?! "That's ok, just deposit the money you owe me into my account that I worked my entire life for and had you put me into the most embarrassing time of my life over MY MONEY." Holistics and the ear-marked money they withhold from your check make strange bedfellows!!
~plzchuckle~/Marilyn in SC/original #9