I just posted this article to point out that these drugs come from organic substances , are highly effective , very safe and are broad spectrum . Just trying to defend the drugs that saved my life, they also gave me my complete health back as a bonus . I will be retiring from curezone in the very near future , and just wanted to share info I have saved over my illness . I am now symptom free and feel great so I will continue to pass on the info I found valuable when time permits . I may have come off harsh to some but , I will defend my judgement , my treatment and the farm vets advice. I have learned so much by being challenged on a regular basis on curezone , sharing this info is the right thing to do b4 I retire from CZ . A special thanks to the peeps that said these meds cause cancer , without them I would have never researched that these meds can fight cancer . You may believe what you want in human articles but I don't believe the vets have any hidden agenda in their articles.