You sound exactly like me. It's extremely frustrating and I have been wondering the same thing. How do you get better when everything makes you sick. I think the first step is to do a thorough cleanse of all organs, colon, kidney, liver and lymph so that your body will have a much easier time dealing with die off. From what I've read probiotics shouldn't be taken until you've been doing some type of candida treatment for a few months at least. I think in our case it's best to take it slow and use common sense. What works for most will not be beneficial in our situation. My plan is to do the cleanse, and use supplements that benefit candida and leaky gut, then try to add probiotics last. If you'd like, you can PM me to talk more.
I've tried enemas before and got so sick I wound up in the ER. Not sure why. How long did you use the zapper before you saw results? That may be a good option for me since I can't take much right now.