Re: I'd be interested to know if anyone gets symptoms other than EC ?
I LOVE doing liverflushes, I never use the malic acid because of my issues with candida, but I always release a lot of stones. I haven't done one in a while, but I like to do
coffee enemas whenever I can, I'm moving back to my Mum's house to get my health in order because right now I feel like a giant mess!
I'm preparing my body for a juice fast and colon cleanse, before I start
Liver Flushing as I don't want any toxins to be reabsorbed and I don't want any stones sticking to my insides. Make sure you flush yourself out before and after. I'm excited for you! Lol
By the sounds of things, you're irritated by high starch foods, I would honestly look more in to the likely hood of you having candida or bacterial imbalance, because your reactions aren't you necessarily having reactions, it's the microbes inside you letting off all their nasty toxins in to a leaky gut. Definitely start taking glutamine (if you haven't already and test if you react to it first) to rebuild the gut lining. Do some experimenting and see if a low carb diet (I know it's hard being vegan) settles inflammation and itching/skin reactions down?
Also, can I ask how you maintain your lips? LIke do you peel them or put a barrier on? I think leaving them alone is half of the battle, I don't think the inflammation can actually go down if you're washing or peeling away skin that seems dead, even though it may be dead, taking it off prematurely definitely causes even more of an inflammatory response, i've healed a lot of my lips by leaving them alone, VERY slowly the area of ec is beginning to shrink. The inner and inside lip is the hardest for sure.