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Re: A dream told me I've got a worm. Dewormed, does this sound like a tapeworm? Very scared!
Amazi Views: 2,919
Published: 9 y
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Re: A dream told me I've got a worm. Dewormed, does this sound like a tapeworm? Very scared!

I curious about your use of nitroscanate. It took me dozens upon dozens of enemas to get that gunky slime out. I'm still not cured. I'm glad your feeling better. Some others here might know better but that looks like a Tapeworm wrapped aeound the right hand turd.

Dreams. Totally believe it. You'll get more especially as you are getting better. They are intertwined into our desires, comforts and habits. When you get the rabid dogs or huge rodents trying to snap at you that means you are winning. Never show fear and always win in your dreams. You are the master and you are more evolved then them no matter how slick they are.

Really curious about nitoscanate.


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