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Re: How long to use black walnut hull with tapeworms
Positive mind Views: 740
Published: 9 y
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Re: How long to use black walnut hull with tapeworms

Black walnut is safe but it is not recommended at high doses for longer than a week or 2. I have found excellent information on this herb (and many other potent ones) in the book 'herbal antiobiotics' from stephen buhner. I have tried it and many others but it did not touch my infection. It is possible you need something stronger. If you consider meds, you can try pyrantel pamoate (pinx) to flush your intestines and see what you get. I recommend Colon Cleanses beforehand, also for yeast, bacteria, virus. For Tapeworms there is a protocol here from ICU which tells you what meds at what dose and how long. In case you decide so. I have several systemic infections so i need meds but if you only have digestive issues it might be easy to get rid of them. Try DE as well, slow doses and work up to a table or teaspoon, it helps with cleansing.


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