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Re: ELISA test help
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Re: ELISA test help

It should be around 90% accurate. You can test for many specific types, like ascaris, flukes, filaria, cystercosis, strongyles etc. I have done the Ascaris test and it showed results. It was called Ascaris IGG4 test. You just need to ask the doctor to request it for you. I know that in the US, you can go to open labs and have your blood sent over to the testing facility. Here in europe it is not that easy. I know people who tested for various species and some of them came back negative, but later they found out they were positive. In fact, if you have several co infections, it is best to re test some time after, because in this case the results can be distorted. Apart from this antigen test you can ask for further PCR testing which can identify the subtypes of the actual pathogen from the dna, if you want exact details.


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