Accutane, candidia is inside all of us. It covers the lining of the gut and helps digest food. The main reason it has become so surnonymous with ill health is because candida can grow out of control when there is not enough healthy bacteria in the gut to keep it in check.
I am finding reason to believe that in my case, my facial dermatitis and lip exfoliative chelitits may be linked. Float the possibility that an autoimmune disorder is disease may be at the root of your EC. Forget about what you hear about candida not liking sugar, this is not true. The foods to avoid are foods that cause inflammation, this means eliminating processed foods in all forms, and cutting back on animal proteins. As you may have heard a vegan diet is the best choice for vitalising the gut, you don't need to go raw. I've been vegan for two months and I'm seeing improvements in my skin. I still get EC outbreaks if I don't moisturise with aquaphor, but this is not to say that following this diet will not lead to eventual cure.