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CDC is hiding a massive collection of damning scientific evidence proving vaccines are linked to autism... shocking details from the recorded phone calls of Dr. William Thompson


(NaturalNews) The Berlin Wall of vaccine injury denialism is about to crumble. Although every effort is being made by the vaccine establishment to crush and silence the truth about vaccine injuries -- including heavy-handed censorship of the "VAXXED" documentary -- the truth is that vaccines cause autism in some children.

That fundamental scientific reality has been desperately -- and criminally -- suppressed by the CDC and vaccine pushing propagandists whose pseudoscience dogma infects every powerful institution across a corrupt political regime steeped in medical totalitarianism.

In 2014, a top CDC scientist named Dr. William Thompson
confessed to taking part in a massive scientific cover-up to alter data that demonstrated a link between vaccines and autism. He not only went public with a statement of confession, he also spoke at length to Dr. Brian Hooker, now regarded as the key investigator in the #CDCwhistleblower phenomenon.

What follows below is a partial transcript from a series of phone calls that took place between Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. William Thompson in 2016. Here, you'll learn that the CDC is sitting on a treasure trove of scientific evidence proving the vaccine-autism link, yet unless Dr. Thompson is called to testify before Congress (or a federal judge), this secret will likely remain deliberately hidden from public view by a criminal CDC whose tactics of censorship, intimidation and deception more closely resemble a criminal mafia than an institution of science and reason.

This transcript is sourced from an extraordinary book that I highly recommend, called Vaccine Whistleblower - Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC by Esq. Kevin Barry and Dr. Boyd E Haley.

From the book:

Dr. Thompson: Right now I am sitting in a very pretty position in terms of providing you a lot of information and let me tell you what is um just became available and I was talking to Marshalyn and my team lead, my immediate supervisor, this week and I was telling them what should be done because it is just outrageous. You will die when you hear this.

We have eight hundred kids with autism that have been given the ADI, well that’s autism diagnostic interviews for the parents, right, so, all of them have been give the ADI and the ADOS. So, they’ve all been given these instruments, all confirmed cases of autism. Um, we have population controls of similar size and we have disability controls of similar size. Now, this is the study I was brought in to clean up. Diana Schendel left town, left for Denmark, and I was brought in to clean it up. It’s a big mess but regardless, there is now data available. Ya know, and there is going to be more data available. We’re going to have twelve hundred kids with autism as part of this uh study, um, with all their medical records and all their vaccine records abstracted. So, um, what’s amazing, now this is what’s going to be shocking to you, it shocked the crap out of me. They have ya know six different sites interviewing data and um they all put in proposals to do studies. So far there is about sixty proposals in, um, for people ready to do studies. Not a single one of them looks at vaccines, not one! [laughing] So, I, well, I ripped into these people this week. And I’m like, “These vaccine studies have to be done. This is the largest case-control study you could ever do. They’re all objectively identified as kids with autism. You have the vaccine records.” And what I just, and I, after seeing the Posey hearing I was like, “What are you ...” I was like, “How are you guys going to answer the question when you know they want these environmental studies and want to look at all these risk factors. What are you going to say when you have twelve hundred autism cases and a bunch of controls and you never looked at vaccines and you have all their vaccine records?” [laughing] . . .

Dr. Hooker: Oh my goodness . . .

Dr. Thompson: And we have their prenatals, we have all the prenatal stuff that wasn’t [unintelligible].

Dr. Hooker: I mean, this is like Disneyland.

Dr. Thompson: It is like Disneyland. So here’s the point, here’s what I said to them. I said, I told them, “This study needs to be done.” I said, “It should be contracted out to some independent organization,” and I said uh, “Groups like SafeMinds should be included in the study and uh we [laughing] we’re insane to be sitting on this data and not um ya know have an independent group, independent of the CDC, completely,” I said. CDC not even touch it, not even have a coauthor on it. Anyway, so, the point I’m trying to make I want to give you the name of the study so you can start telling people who to ask questions about this study because this data is sitting ready to go. No one has analyzed it yet. And they don’t really want people to know that this data exists, again. Ya know, you were the first person to get the MMR/autism—I just can’t believe we actually got you that data.

Dr. Hooker: That’s incredible to me. I’m very thankful; let’s put it that way.

Dr. Thompson: It’s mind-boggling that um it sat on one CD and actually the guy that had the one CD just came down with pancreatic cancer. Literally, that study data could have been gone for good. Anyways, so the name of the study is The Study to Explore Early Development. It’s called SEED. What?

Dr. Hooker: SEED? S-E-E-D.

Dr. Thompson: Do you have a computer in front of you?

Dr. Hooker: Yes I do.

Dr. Thompson: Just search for CDC and then SEED and then autism and you should be able to pull up a description of the study.

Dr. Hooker: Okay, hold on . . . SEED, autism spectrum disorders. Okay, there it is! Okay, let me bookmark this while I’ve got it.

Dr. Thompson: Well that’s the gold mine. That’s the mother-load of mother-loads. Because it doesn’t matter what Insel does. He doesn’t have confirmed cases of autism in his study. His study will probably be some type of record review where they look at kids that have autism in the records.

Dr. Hooker: So, is this data that I would eventually be able to access myself?

Dr. Thompson: Well, right now it’s under lock and key and only the principle investigator can get to access it. But if you can get Posey to ask questions about this study, um, this will become, the, ya know, like [laughing] the leak in the dam.

Dr. Hooker: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, here there is a tab on data and statistics that I am looking at okay and I see that, so. . . .

Dr. Thompson: Now there’s one study that has been published from it, just describing the study and the sample so, it is, Diana Schendel is the first author, 2012 paper, and you can just look it up. It might actually be on the website, I’m not sure. But, it’s a Diana Schendel paper and it just pissed me off. I read it for the first time on Friday and she references two of her papers with Thorsen. I was just like, are you guys are f**king insane, I’m like, are you guys really this f**king insane.

Dr. Hooker: Well here it is. I looked it up on PubMed. It’s in JADD, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Dr. Thompson: That’s the one paper that describes the first sample. There’s SEED1 and SEED2.

Dr. Hooker: They piled it one. There’s like twenty coauthors.

Dr. Thompson: Yeah, it’s all the Pis [Principal Investigators], everyone. It’s a big study; there is six sites that are contributing data. But, it is the mother-load. Oh and then you know what else I found out this week? I almost went nuts.

Dr. Hooker: We can’t have you do that again, dude!

Dr. Thompson: No, I know. Do you know the name Lisa Croen?

Dr. Hooker: Yes I know Lisa Croen, she’s in California.

Dr. Thompson: She’s with Northern California Kaiser. So, Diana Schendel is still involved in these studies. There are fifty proposals. One of the studies on um prenatal infection and I started asking questions. I’m like, “Who’s doing the prenatal infections study?” She said, “Lisa and Lisa has invited Diana to participate.” I’m like, “You are having Diana Schendel as a coauthor on a childhood infections paper while she’s in Denmark with her boyfriend?!” [laughing] I just, you don’t know how insane this all is. It’s absolutely insane. Marshalyn and my supervisor is Laura Scheve. I don’t know if you’ve seen that name.

Dr. Hooker: Yes, I’ve seen Laura’s name before.

Dr. Thompson: So anyways, the two of them are looking at them and they’re like, “Maybe you’re right; maybe that is a bad idea.” [laughing]

Dr. Hooker: You think?! I think ya know Diana is putting herself in danger just by showing her head.

Dr. Thompson: I could not believe that she was there. I could not believe she was there.

Dr. Hooker: Oh my goodness, that is just crazy.

Dr. Thompson: So anyways, the bottom line is I want to get you the best data available. That is the best data available. No one has analyzed it yet. If you can get someone. And I just, Brian, you have to get someone other than you asking these questions because you are like, ya know, they just. . .

Dr. Hooker: I am damaged goods, I understand. No, and I do have some people in mind.

Dr. Thompson: You just have to feed these questions around to different people and have different people ask these questions and ya know, so it’s prenatal, I would tell there is both maternal influenza prenatal records; there’s rhogam . . .

Dr. Hooker: Really, rhogam . . . okay.

Dr. Thompson: Yeah, it’s all there. Um, but I’ve never looked at it yet. But I could actually go into the database right now and do a frequency count on things. But, I’m not going to do anything like that right now. I’m just really trying to sort this all out. I’m trying to, ya know I’m being in trouble because I’m blowing up and stuff like that and I’m getting really agitated and I just have to settle down.

Dr. Hooker: Right, you had mentioned on 1 think on a previous voicemail something about maybe taking a leave of absence or um or uh putting in for a new assignment.

Dr. Thompson: Yeah, I was considering getting detailed out of the branch. The downside to that is I would no longer have access to this type of information that I am sharing with you. I’m learning more and more. As I ask more and more, I’m learning more and more. I am, these people are like in one big bubble, they uh and their bubble is getting smaller and smaller. But, these Pis, it’s two Pis that are really tight with Diana. That’s Lisa Croen and Dani Fallin, you know, Dani Fallin F-A-L-L-I-N.

Dr. Hooker: That’s a name that is not familiar to me.

Dr. Thompson: She is a genetics expert and she is at Hopkins and um . . .

Dr. Hooker: And Lisa Croen as well.

Dr. Thompson: Now Dani really likes Diana and is tight with Diana because we’ve been collecting genetic information from all of these

subjects. All of these subjects have bloods drawn and swabs. Here’s the other crazy thing, the CDC has not been able to get resources to sequence all these kids that we have. We have samples where you could sequence every single kid. And only a couple hundred have been sequenced and it is because Dani Fallin went and got money from the NIH. And I’m just like are you serious, you guys can’t go out and get a small sum of money and it’s not even a lot of money, it would just be like a couple of million dollars. And they could get every single kid sequenced; they’re sitting on these. Yes, they’re sitting on these samples.

Dr. Hooker: Can you imagine what we could do with them?

Dr. Thompson: Oh my God! When I heard the Congressmen asking these questions, what are you guys doing? We are sitting on this gold mine. Here is the deal, the CDC is they’re paralyzed. The whole system is paralyzed right now. And the whole branch is paralyzed and it’s becoming more paralyzed. There’s less and less and less being done as the place is coming to a grinding halt. Really, what we need is for Congress to come in and say give us the data and we’re going to have an independent contractor do it and bring in the autism advocates and have them intimately involved in the study.

Read the rest of this transcript (and transcripts from other recorded calls with Dr. William Thompson) in
Vaccine Whistleblower - Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC by Esq. Kevin Barry and Dr. Boyd E Haley.

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