I wouldn't drink H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) with more than a drop or two. I believe it can damage your stomach's ability to produce HCL, creating greater health problems. I purchased a hot tub ozonator (MCD-250) for $250 from a place in California. The girl is very helpful. This unit uses a new, very simple technology that makes all other units obsolete and they put out the same amount of ozone as a professional unit for much cheaper price. You just need to open the unit and modify the connectors. To get medical oxygen, just find a home medical delivery company and find where they gas up in the morning. Wait there for a driver and approach him with $$. Most drivers will gladly accept. I offered my driver $50 and $20 refills. Only refilled once after a,most a year. E tanks last a long time on the lowest regulator setting which you can get on ebay or amazon. For $50, I heat welded an ozone suit from (ozone safe) body bags and just stand in the bathroom steam sauna for half hour (no access to a dry sauna). I put a bowl of water w/potassium Iodide below the steam outlet to (hopefully) mitigate some of the chlorine from the steam.