Re: Oil of Oregano Capsule Reaction & Background
Antibiotic overuse has stimulated tremendous problems with this organism. Overgrowth in the intestinal and urinary tracts is common. Candida has traditionally been treated with antifungals and azoles, but the last 20 yrs have seen a significant resistance emerge across the entire genius. Resistant infections cause urinary tract infections, vaginal infections- they love mucous membrane systems. Itching, burning, soreness, irritation, whitish patches or discharge are common sysmptoms. In some instances candida can become systemic and affect multiple organs. Infections are much more serious in people whose immune systems are compromised. The herbs to treat candida are sida, alchornea, bidens, cryptolepis (minimally), artemisia annua, the berberines, juniper, honey, usnea, black pepper, lomatium, isatis, licorice, red root flowers, reishi, echinacea, chaparro amargosa and desert willow.
Treating candida UTIs
Formulation: berberine plant, alchornea or sida tincture 1 tsp, 3x daily, or juniper berry-bidens tincture (1 part juniper, 2 parts bidens): 30 drops 3x daily, or lomatium, isatis and echinacea (equal parts) tincture, 1 tsp, 3x daily
Vaginal infections:
Formulation 1: (antibacterial) alchornea or sida tincture 1 tsp 3x daily
Formulation 2: lomatium, isatis and echinacea (equal parts) tincture, 1 tsp 3x daily
Formulation3: berberine tincture diluted in water, used as a douche 2x daily
Systemic infections:
Formulation 1: (antibacterial) alchornea or sida tincture, 1tsp, 3x daily
Formulation 2: licorice, reishi, echinacea (equal parts) tincture, 1 tsp 3 x daily
Formulation3: desert willow and chaparro amargosa (equal parts) tincture, 1 tsp 3x daily'
Antibiotics by stephen harrod buhner, p. 74