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Re: difference between you and me is that I have over 20 different zappers, including the $10 zapper
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Re: difference between you and me is that I have over 20 different zappers, including the $10 zapper

The concept of better is yours and not Hulda Clark 's - the inventor of the zapper. Should he trust a salesperson or someone who wrote a book, had clinical experience and gave her information away for free???

Anyway this whole concept you have created called 'a quality zapper' is total bullshit.

I saw the schematic, there's like 5 parts, and nothing to go wrong. As long as you don't smash it with your foot or a rock it won't break.

If someone wants to zap for health, there is no need for a case, hundreds of non-zapper frequencies, none of it. If they want to get into sketchy pseudo-rife salespeople devices then yours would be a good road maybe. Get your own forum called sketchy pseudo-rife devices that don't really heal anything.

You're trying yet again to peddle your wares by making up nonsensical phrases like quality zapper. Devices are either zappers or not.

Under $2 all day long, no quality problems.

If it breaks somehow you're out another $2.



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