Re: Argyria case update - 3
Hi Grizz,
I may be able help with this as I've been fortunate enough to get the inside scoop from the OP following his initial announcement and continue to follow his progress up until now.
From what I can gather, the initial dosage was at/or around 3 x 2oz per day. Though, I'd also add that there were occasions when this could have gone as high as 4 x 2oz daily in the event that the OP was fighting colds or flu's.
As for the solution type(etc) it was made using steam distilled water and .9999 silver without additives. My estimate is that this was a predominant ionic solution ranging between 20 and 28ppm(av) that was made using a homemade generator producing 30v and a 12mah current control circuit. The anode and cathodes are .9999 pure Canadian silver(mint) and the anode(size) appears conservative in that it could theoretically handle up to 24mAh based on the @ 1mAh p/sq in. rule.
The process method involved heating the water during production which appears to have raised the ionic component by promoting the dissolution of the silver oxides from their usual semi-aqueous state(room temp). The estimated ppm(calculated by anode weight differentiation) likely ranged between 20 and 28ppm - (+/- 3ppm) for ionic content
*That said, the estimated time leading to the development of Argyria using with particular solution worked-out to be approximately 6oz per day for 1895 days (or 5.2 yrs).
Following this, I've been working with the OP on optimizing his solution(processing) for transdermal intake. Which is proving better than the original administration method in terms of effectiveness less the risks for bio-accumulation due to the reduction of silver exposure(fr. 4mg down to -0.3mg /da.), and as reflected by the OP's current progress and recovery.
PS.1 The effectiveness of transdermal CS administration appears proportionate to the quality of the ionic component of the solution in question. ie, the higher the ionic component, the more effective it appears to be within the limits of safe exposure. Of which appears to be under the 30ppm mark for the average adult.
PS.2 It has been my observation that "all" micro and nanoparticle
Colloidal Silver solutions will form silver chloride in acidic(HCl) environment(gastric) in due time. Which has been replicated by myself along with others(in lab). And so the claims that so-called true
Colloidal Silver solutions will somehow not lead to Argyria is proving to be a false positive.
Hope this helps.