Re: Dr. Blanche Grube of Scranton, PA
Thank you very much for the response!
I didn't mention in my original post that I also have a number of
Amalgam fillings that need to be removed. Do you think Dr. Grube would be good for this? She does seem to be the premier Huggins-protocol dentist out there.
In regards to the expensive testing, they told me I would need to get blood and hair analysis tests prior to my visit. The blood tests should be covered by insurance, but I believe the hair analysis test is about $70. However, there is also a $500 consultation fee.
I haven't read Fred Hughes's book, so I googled him and found very little information. He apparently doesn't have his own office. Are you saying that Gary McCown put in contact with Fred for the thermal scan readings? I did find McCown's suggestions a little bit troubling.
So just to be clear, did Gary McCown clean out all of your cavitation sites? If so, what has the recovery been like and how are you feeling?
Finally, thanks for the recommendation of Wendell Robertson. I can travel but I don't have dental insurance, so that won't make a difference. However, it seems like I should give him a good, strong look as an alternative to Dr. Grube.