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Day 22
fijifaster Views: 602
Published: 9 y

Day 22

Day 22

Weight 139.2

Things are going well. I know think I may be able to make it to 30 days but will be flexible. I finally had a BM last night, the first significant one in 10 days. Felt good to get some stuff out of me. It's hard to drink water but I'm not quite so sick feeling as I was around day 18. I think the mucus that was causing it has settled into my digestive track so it's not just sitting in my stomach. My tongue is very white and coated. If I scrape it off and rinse my mouth out it almost instantly comes back. The best I can do is sip hot water to make it bearable. Hoping for some breakthroughs in the next 8 days! Energy is ok. I still lie around most of the day and at night read in bed until I'm tired enough to sleep. I get my best sleep in the morning by sleeping in until 10. Today I got a major item done on my to do list which has eased my mind and should allow more rest in the upcoming days.


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