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Endoscopy: No H Pylori or Bacteria...Not sure what to think!
WolfGal082 Views: 908
Published: 9 y

Endoscopy: No H Pylori or Bacteria...Not sure what to think!

Hi Everyone,

Long story short did the Candida Cleanse last month and still feeling badly. I did receive my results from my endoscopy and the tests did not show any bacteria in either the esophagus or small intestine. Doctor said I had mild to severe gastritis and wants to put me on a PPI and recommended a FODMAP diet. I don't necessarily agree with going on a PPI and wanted to know what everyone else thought here.

Here are my symptoms:

-Still feeling allergic to everything...try to alternate food but it is becoming real challenging. Suspect it is Leaky Gut or liver issue?

-Have lost weight probably from being afraid to eat because of the pain/reactions. Have been a vegetarian for 7 years and looking to transition back to meat and begin a GAPS diet (started another thread on this)

-Still constantly burping. I am thinking it is a lack of stomach's just a hunch. When I took Prilosec it did nothing for me and made it worse.

-Still feeling widespread body pain and throat soreness/swelling. Ears and nose are clogged too.

- Still have been trying to do Candida diet and include Candida antifungals like ACV, Ginger, Garlic, Coconut Oil, Digestive Bitters, etc. but I seem to be reacting to them now.

-Tried to reintroduce Probiotic 30 billion today...not sure if that can cause throat sore/swelling feeling.

Any insight or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!



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