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#461 is located in another state about 2000 miles away from me
parazapper Views: 1,634
Published: 9 y
This is a reply to # 2,307,998

#461 is located in another state about 2000 miles away from me

Look at your number. If it is higher than 461 which means that you came after them. If it is lower than you came before them.

#461 posted under their name for a few years, left, and when they came back they started using #461 to show that they had been here a long time.

The fact that #461 is located in another state about 2000 miles away from me might make a difference. The Webmaster can verify that.

>- If another computer is used that has a different ISP Nobody could tell if it was the same person.

You are very wrong on this. While ISPs do provide the IP address, they are required to maintain extensive records as to the exact computer and location that any activity originated from. This even includes Cell Phone access and tablet access from coffee shop WIFI and any access through Cell Phone towers.

Because I sell zappers, my business computer, my personal computer, Pad, laptop and all of my websites are under constant attack not only hacking attempts, denial of service, and many other hacks, I have one of the best and most extensive firewall systems available. It logs everything and I can tell you where every incoming message and outgoing data packet goes.



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