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Govt Targeting Nuns for Making THC-Free CBD Oil – In a State With Legal Medical Pot
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Govt Targeting Nuns for Making THC-Free CBD Oil – In a State With Legal Medical Pot

Sister Kate and Sister Darcey of the “Sisters of the Valley” medical marijuana organization are fighting against the government in California to keep their medical marijuana business alive. These nuns are unlikely entrepreneurs in the marijuana industry, and they create cannabis-based salves and tonics in their garage. The products that they create actually don’t contain THC and do not create a high, but their local city council is attempting to put them out of business anyway.

“We spend no time on bended knee, but when we make our medicine it’s a prayerful environment it’s a prayerful time,” Sister Kate told ABC 30.


“It’s more for me about the sisterhood and the feminist movement… to live and work with other women and to do a positive thing for the community — and obviously for the world since we ship it everywhere,” Sister Darcey added.

They sell their products on websites like Etsy for a variety of different medical conditions.

“We make CBD oil which takes away seizures, and a million other things and we make a salve, that’s a multi-purpose salve… and we found out that it cures migraines, hangovers, earaches, diaper rash, toothaches,” Sister Kate said.

However, if the Merced City Council moves to ban on all marijuana cultivation in the area, they will be forced out of business.

“Yes, it’s frustrating to me because there are all of these people with negative attitudes about something that is truly God’s gift,” Sister Darcey said.

As marijuana becomes legal in some places in the country, people are taking chances and opening up businesses everywhere, even in places where the plant has not yet been legalized. As we reported last month, a marijuana delivery service named Kush Gods was recently shut down in DC, despite the fact that it has been decriminalized in the city.

Below is one of the many popular videos put out by the Sisters of the Valley, depicting their CBD oil production process.



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