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Advice needed - Feeling really bad after Flush

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Raimonio Views: 957
Published: 9 y

Advice needed - Feeling really bad after Flush

Hi :)
I needed to register to ask you guys some advice. I did my second Liver Flush two days ago and am feeling quite bad still. I was wondering if I should go to a hospital.

The first flush I did some months ago went really well, except I didn't get many stones. This time I got first three quite big ones and then around twenty smaller. However the thing is that the night of the flush I woke up 5am and felt like dying. My heart was pounding, my bed was filled with sweat and I felt so nauseous I could pass out. My intuition was telling me that if I didnt get water and Epsom Salts into my system I would not make it.

So I headed for the kitchen and while I was trying to get the Epsom Salts to the water I found myself on the floor three times passed out. The third time I also found a broken glass and a knife on the floor next to my face, Im glad I remained unscatched, but I gotta say the situation was quite dramatic and frightening. And the feeling was just insane.

After downing the water and the salts it subsided to an extent where I didnt feel like dying anymore and wouldnt pass out. Then I just ingested more Epsom Salts amd more water after a few hours and it felt like it was going away.

By the evening I felt all better in terms of nausea and general "I am dying feeling".. however there was still a slight pain in the upper right abdomen. I figured its propably just my liver trying to recover. I live in lowcarb and after the first flush I could eat a heavy meal of chicken right away starting 2pm. This time because of the pain I ate a small fish meal with cooked vegetables and it worsened the pain and it felt like my liver couldnt handle the situation at all..

By evening I could eat a light chicken meal without the same effect. Today I ate a little bit bigger fish meal and felt a little bit that my liver couldnt handle it but not as much as yesterday. As a matter of fact I felt rather well today except for the pain in my upper right abdomen.

So then I was going to go to the store and was standing and checking my spotify on my phone, when I realized I needed to sit down after one minute. It was kind of strange but I still needed to go to the store where I had to stand for a long time at the bus stop etc and now that Im back home the same symptoms I had in the morning when I felt like I was dying have returned.

Now they are not AS bad as then, but it still makes me quite afraid, you see I have fasted before and one day shouldnt be a problem. And the nausea Im experiencing is not because of something to do with the stomach, I know nausea that is caused by bacterial imbalance or something and this is coming from my liver I know it.

Other info: I zapped today 7/20. I have been eating lecithin today and yesterday, not on the fasting day of the cleanse. During the cleanse I did not take the first Epsom Salt dose. So I took only one at 8pm and then at 10pm took the olive oil and grapefruit mix. The next was the five am one where I was dying. The lecithin seems to take the pain away a little bit, however yesterday when I took two tablespoons the nausea and dizzynes came back big time for around ten minutes. So Im pretty sure that it has something to do with the liver.

I could understand how this would be somehow fasting related but its just that I have experience in that and its not like that.

At the moment I feel a bit dizzy and nauseous, I have a slight stinging pain in my chest and a feeling of pressure and on the right side of the abdomen. My head hurts and every now and then I have weird small pains and sensations in my arm pits, once also in the bottom of my feet. I feel sweaty and just not generally very well. Its not so bad that I would be passing out but it does make me wonder.

So what do you think?


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