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Re: Review of SilverGen SG-6
Esstee Views: 2,714
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Re: Review of SilverGen SG-6

I'd first begin by stating that this post belongs in the debate forum rather than the support forum.

That said, since you've posted in a public forum, I'll do my best to address some points in hopes of coming to terms with what I'd call a rather confusing topic. - Not by your own admission of course, as most of what you've written is considered common by currrent standards for a great deal of people. Nevertheless, I think it's worth addressing some of the information in hopes that it will help others make better sense of things:

1a. you DON'T make the same stuff as is sold by Marketers!

1b. The "CS" bought from health shops, or anyone else who sell it comes in a bottle, is produced NOT BY LVDC.

1c. There is a difference between what you make in your home and what you bought in a bottle from a Marketer or a shop.

Beyond that of the HVAC products, most all of the ionic solutions on the market today are made using an electrolysis process(LVDC). And while many if not most of these undergo numerous QC measures such as filtration etc, it remains that they are all made using the very same basic principal.

PS. I'd also add that many of these alleged ionic silver sellers(atomic, monatomic, cellular etc) will often mislabel their products in an effort to stand-out or gain a competitive edge in the market.


2b. ...the truth is YOU CAN'T MAKE COLLOIDAL SILVER with the LVDC electrolysis home generators!

Contrary to popular belief, It's actually quite easy to push LVDC solutions toward the elemental side to satisfy colloidal definitions. Of which, to my knowledge can be accomplished by reduction(ion to elemental pariculate) either; chemically(additive), or by mechanical means /motion(vortex) so as to effectuate reduction at the cathode boundary layer(H). 

3. The home generator ... will produce an Ionic solution by ratio, which contains silver atoms MINUS one Electron, hence the silver atom will be reduced to Ions and become Positively Electrically Charged when one electron is lost from the atom by electrolysis. Any smaller than an Ion and the Silver will cease to exist as silver.

Not to nit-pick but, the term reduced to ion ... may likely lead to confusion in this particular case as the ions created by electrolysis fall under a process called interchange. Whereas reduction(reduced) is a chemical reaction which normally involves the gaining of electrons through redux(or oxidation).

That said, I think it's important to distinguish such things when making use of chemistry terms such as this could easily result in confusion.

4. ...Those "particles" are Ions surrounded by water, and each Ion adheres to other Ions by Attraction and Repulsion, called a 'cluster', but EACH of those Ions IN that 'cluster' are surrounded by water forming that 'cluster' of Ions, like a bunch of grapes for simplicity sake, with each grape surrounded by water, hence people think they have Metallic particles, but they don't. Those 'clusters' will break up when enter the body. Again, study up!

As it turns out silver ions are highly unstable/volatile and have a very short life past the point of creation. That said, I'd also add that since silver ions are theoretically water soluble whether they are clustered or not, and are unlikely to impact a silver solution in any conventional way.

That said, the predominant silver compounds produced with common room temp LVDC processes today (typ. CS generator) is that of Silver oxide. Which in itself, is a semi-aqueous compound posessing with an ionic potential(exchange). Therefore, it is based on this that we conclude most homemade solutions exhibit a tyndall and changes that are in accordance with plasmon resonance.

5. Why the hell do you know the FDA, and other Nations Regulators, have never mentioned the home made product in their BS blurbs, because they are NOT quoting the home made stuff, they are quoting the "CS" product or the Colloidal Silver product, because they have nothing to report from the home made stuff, i.e. the Ionic Silver Solution!

What's interesting about this is where the FDA's response to Colloidal Silver solutions were prompted by what is now known as Silver protein and /or higher concentrates such those based on Silver chloride, that were linked to the development of Argyria. Having said that, I'd also add that the FDA doesn't appear to have taken the initiative to destinguish between these various of Silver solutions in their efforts to regulate product distribution under the recognized medical system. 

6. This is why many people don't have a clue about the difference between "Colloidal Silver" and the "Predominantly Ionic" product as made in your kitchen!

As you can see, the body of information associated with the production of Colloidal Silver is can be very hit and miss based on internet sources. To which I'd add, I'm not inclined to call the result of misleading sources as much as it is one of desperation due to the lack of verified research in the field. And perhaps more importantly, where incomplete observations and experiences are often used to fill-in the blanks. 

PS. Based on what you've written, I'd suggest searching up some electro chemistry material, particularely those pertaining to the water /electrolysis chemistry workshops as they cover many of the principals used in colloidal silver and will often times help gain a better understanding of the basic chemistry involded in the production of colloidal silver at home. 

- hope this helps



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