This post contains important kidney and liver info.
This post contains important kidney and liver info.
and includes a recipe and procedure for kidney rebuilding/flushing tea.
this is form the
Water Fasting forum, where we're discussing liver flushing.
and this is from a site called
Aspargus: In addition to being extremely high in Vitamin A, asparagus is rich in a substance called asparagin which acts as a gentle stimulant to kidney function. Aspargus also has a trace of arsenic which makes it a healthy food for your heart, but it also means that you should eat asparagus three times a week or only four tablespoons of puree a day. A pinch of Natural Celtic Salt added while cooking will increase value to kidney health. Aspargus has proven helpful in the breaking up of oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and throughout the muscular system and is good for rheumatism and neuritis. When aspargus is doing its theraputic work, you will notice its identifiable odor when you urinate. We cannot overestimate this vegetable's ability for the prevention or cure of kidney problems. Be creative and include aspargus in your weekly menus by adding to salads, scrambled eggs or soups.
Raw Beet Juice Fast: An occasional eight-hour raw beet juice fast is one of the best insurances for good kidney health. You may find it more enjoyable and effective if you fast with a few friends. You will need a good juicer and a minute timer. Juice the fresh raw beets and take one teaspoon every six minutes while relaxing in a big chair with feet comfortable. You must not have more than one teaspoon of pure beet juice at a time as it is too potent. Beets have a balanced iron and copper content that helps build good blood as well as cleanse the liver and kidneys. Your urine may turn red, and you may pass some gravel and crystals. Have nothing else to eat or drink during the eight hours of beet fasting. You may drink some pure water during the evening.
Watermelon: A marvelous kidney and bladder flusher is a one or two-day
Watermelon fast. Cut the
Watermelon into bite-size pieces. While resting in a comfortable chair and listening to good music, tapes or TV--nothing that can make you tense--eat one bite of water melon every three minutes for eight hours! Have nothing else to eat or drink that day. If you get hungry, eat some more watermelon. If you prefer bedrest, you can juice the
Watermelon and drink three or four
ounces every half hour. You will urinate more than ever in your life! To help maintain kidney health, often eat watermelon between meals.
Pears: Use fresh pears--we recommend Bartlett--and cut into one-inch cubes and eat one every three minutes while relaxing. Pears are rich in magnesium so they do wonders in helping to cleanse the kidneys. Eating pears several times a week will help maintain good kidney health.
Lemon: Dr. Bertrand Bibus, chief urologist at Kaiser Franz Joseph Hospital in Vienna has patients juice two lemons a day and drink with an abundance of pure water to dissolve kidney stones. There are testimonies of people in excrutiating agony who fasted on the juice of 1/2 lemon in pure warm water every half hour and with in five days the stone was gone. Lemon juice in warm pure water, sweetened with a little honey, maple syrup or molasses the first thing in the morning will keep your liver and kidneys healthy!
Kidney Bean Pod Tea: This has proven to be a blessing to many suffering from kidney stones, inflammation, bleeding in any part of the urinary system, rheumatism and diabetes. Dr. Ramm and Dr. Isenburg of Germany began recommending this around the turn of the century. Kidney bean pod tea is available in capsule or tea form. Some people have had success by drinking eight
ounces of tea every two hours.
Fiber: Evidence on the great value of fibrous foods in the diet continues to accumulate. People who live on processed food are among those who suffer the most kidney problems. So, include fiber in your diet for kidney health as well as all the other benefits! All fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains and nuts are excellent sources. If your diet is low in fiber, there is a wide selection of fiber supplements available at your health food store.
Parsley: Raw parsley juice is one of the most potent vegetable juices and is helpful in healing many kidney and bladder problems. It should never be taken alone. You can mix 2
ounces of fresh juiced parsely with some carrot, beet, or any other salad vegetables and drink three times a day and see the difference! Parsley tea therapy has helped many people with a chronic kidney disease. Wash a fresh bunch of parsley in cold water; put it in a glass (never plastic) dish and cover with boiling pure water. Cover and let sit until cool. Pour off the liquid, and drink during a 24-hour period. A few cups of parsley tea every week will insure good kidney health. If it's inconvenient to make the tea, you can buy parsley capsules, tea and herbal formulas at your health food store.
Pine nuts: Also known as pinole or pignolia are delicious as a snack, in yogurt or in molded salads to improve kidney function. Pine nuts are the easiest-to-digest nut God created and contain some naphtha which has a cleansing effect on the kidneys.
Grapes: In Bible days, the sick often fasted on grapes or fresh grape juice until strength returned. One nutritionist recommends that if you have cloudy urine that you eat only grapes--up to three
pounds a day-and drink large quantities of water. Within a few days, the urine should be clear, blood pressure normal and have a better sense of well being. This could be followed with a good vegetable soup containing some green vegetables like spinach, celery, parsley, green beans and asparagus.
Cranberries: A four-ounce glass of cranberry juice twice a day is now being recommended by many doctors to help get the urine more acid and provide maganese. If the juice does not help, grind or chop fresh cranberries and add a little honey and eat a teaspoonful several times a day. Fresh cranberries furnish some Vitamin C, but often, an additional 100 mg. is suggested to help with kidney and bladder health.
Herbs: At your health food store, you have a choice of several herbal formulas to promote kidney function. Golden Seal Root is a blood purifier and kidney dialator but should not be used for more than a month. Sassafras tea is a mild diuretic for the kidneys. Fresh horseradish is believed by some to be the most potent herbal diuretic. It is suggested that you soak in one pint of boiling water: one ounce fresh, chopped horseradish root and 1/2 ounce crushed mustard seed for four hours; strain and take three tablespoons three times a day. Fresh ground horseradish added to sandwiches, fish, meats and hor d'oeuvres help keep the kidneys healthy. There are many herbs that promote kidney health. The formulas available in health food stores will contain great combinations--most all of them have raspberry leaves, juniper berries, cornsilk and watermelon seed, golden seal, and some contain raw kidney glandular. Also there are liquid homeopathic preparations.
Vitamins A, B6, C & E: Vitamin A reduces susceptibility to infections as it protects the mucous membranes and all soft tissue. Bitamin B6 (pyridoxine) works with magnesium to help the kidneys excrete unwanted oxalic acid. Vitamin B6 should be taken with a B-complex. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen maintenance, absorption of iron and stimulating the immune system. Vitamin E thins the blood and unites oxygen to help prevent toxic peroxides and helps the kidneys clear out cell debris.
Magnesium: A deficiency in magnesium is believed to be the main cause of
kidney stones because it leads to an alkaline urine that can result in the formation of calcium phosphate stones. A deciciency of B6 greatly increases the B6 greatly increases the oxalic acid content of the urine which promotes alkalinity and leads to calcium oxalate stones. Thus magnesium and B6 are important nutrients to have in your diet and supplements. Foods that contain both nutrients include peanuts, bananas, soybeans, wheat germ, peas, rice, corn, brewers yeast, potatoes, yams, raisins, parsley, and molasses. Magnesium is found in most vegetables and fruits; however, oour soil is often depleted of this valuable mineral and we suggest taking a supplement. Also, your Natural Celtic Salt contains much magnesium.
Potassium: A potasssium deficiency results from poor diet, excessive
table salt intake, cortisone therapy, alcohol, too much coffee and sugar, or diuretics. Our bodies simply were not designed by God to cope with the amount of
table salt (sodium chloride) that is in our modern diets. Unless you do your own gardening, food storage and cooking, you are probably eating too much
table salt ! The kidneys may handle the salty intake until you reach middle age, but there is always a payday for bad habits. Fluid retention (edema) is usually caused by a sodium/potassium imbalance. Stress and tension also causes a potassium loss. I'm convinced that everyone needs to dispose of their salt shaker, eat Natural Celtic Salt, and eat more potassium foods or take a potassium supplement. Adequate potassium in your diet is as important as restricting sodium (salt) for good kidney health because a potassium deficiency will also cause the urine to be too alkaline which leads to kidney stones. All dried fruit, beans, nuts and sunflower seeds, parsley, avocados, yams, garlic, spinach, bananas and carrots are good sources of potassium foods. Your health food store has a variety of potassium supplements. I take a product developed by Dr. Hans Neiper in Germany containing potassium citrate, magnesium citrate and the enzyme bromelin from pineapple. Magnesuim is necessary to keep potassium in the muscle cells. I use less of this supplement since using the Natural Celic Salt.
Water: We cannot overemphasize the intake of water--the most abundant nutrient found in the body. It is important that you drink plenty and that it is pure water. Most tap water isn't fit to drink! Filtered spring water or water purified by distilling or reverse osmosis is recommended. And be sure you take a good mineral supplement. Personally, I take a liquid trace mineral supplement in addition to my major minerals of calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Nearly all foods contain water that is absorbed during digestion; fruits and vegetables contain chemically pure water. Sufficient pure water will help the kidneys to filter out debris and toxins. Never ignore the feeling of thirst and satisfy it with pure water,
fruit or vegetable juices. Colas and soft drinks should be avoided or consumed in moderation because of their sodium, phosphoric acid and caffeine content that adds stress to the kidneys.
To compensate for the stressful drinks such as coffee, colas, chocolate drinks, flavored drinks and alcohol, be sure you drink plenty of pure water and take some potassium!"
By Willa Vae Bowles
Just a note, about the coffee. Atom Bergstrom suggests something called the "Cobalamin tonic", that has a synergy, apparently, that makes it truly beneficial:
it is coffee taken with a little pure cacao and some maple syrup, in the morning ( see "sun-sync nutrition" for the exact recipe, and a book called "Yes, No, Maybe" he co-authored...).
I don't drink coffee anymore and haven't for about 13 years, but I used to love it. The "problem" with coffee seems to be that people end up not drinking enough pure water, and drinking too much coffee. Then getting dehydrated, and stressing the kidneys, and kind of beating the adrenals.
And often it goes with cigarettes--or used to, where together they take the place of real nutrition! Nowadays, the issue might be one of coffee-and- whatever pastry or other non-organic treat goes with it. When I had one cup in the afternoon, as an elixir, for a time, it worked like good medicine; I could feel it was actually good for me.
This AM "tonic" also sounds like it could be very good. . . . I note also, it was the "blood-type diet" - that I used to pretty much adhere to just naturally, because it matched my likes and dislikes so closely- that said coffee was good for type A's, but only in the afternoon and only one cup.