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Catching a "cold" or symptoms of "true hunger"?
SixDogGirls Views: 643
Published: 9 y

Catching a "cold" or symptoms of "true hunger"?

Since a huge blood loss (due to an abortion after 14 days with the dead foetus in my womb) in september I´ve very consciously eaten iron rich foods the past months. But my ferritin levels are still below normal (8 while 10-290 is normal). And iron, VitD as well as all other blood levels are on the low end but already in range again. I am much against taking supplements, don´t like tablets at all and only take B12 normaly. So I guess it´ll take a good while until my values are completely recovered again. I only recently got “Vitamin Code Raw Iron” as food based supplement that also contains B12 and Vit C.
To speed up recovery, increase iron absorbtion,
detoxify from the dead foetus and get rid of the kilos gained when I was so anaemic that I hardly could move I decided to do my “yearly water fast”.
Started with a preparation week of eating only raw vegan low fat (811rv) for 4-7 days (until fresh food in the house ran low). After doing some days strictly rv811 I started the first four days on water with lemon and agave, then changed to ginger tee, cinnamon tee or liquorice tee. Checking urine and tongue and all was going very well. My body seems to adress little by little each of the health issues I had before and then they disapear, so that makes me very content. For 13 days I was not hungry, no problem with going on although surely looking forward to go back to eating – oranges and pineapple and coconutflakes are all I desire.
On day 14 I´ve done some exercise in the gym, was amazed how “possible” it was and how well I felt afterwards. Then got a massage and – good news… my backpain seems to disapear as well. But in the evening I was terribly cold, icy hands and feet and very very unwell, sore throat and hungry. I took a hot bath, drank some Honey scented water, the juice of half an orange and went to bed. Guessed I had spent too much energy during the morning and my body wasn´t able to produce all that energy through Ketosis? The next morning I was fine again.
Day 16 I feel tired and weak all day, my tongue is white again. Sore throat, cold feet and hungry! I wonder wheather to break the fast or not? Could I have gotten a "cold" while fasting? Some virus giving me trouble?


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