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Image Embedded Myalgia and myositis: Know about muscle pain and inflammation
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Myalgia and myositis: Know about muscle pain and inflammation


Myalgia and myositis both cause discomfort in the muscle, but they are very different conditions in the sense that one creates muscle pain and the other inflammation.

Myalgia means muscle pain or aching. An example of a myalgia would be the ailment fibromyalgia. The word fibro derives from the New Latin, “Fibro” – meaning “fibrous tissue” while myalgia implies pain. People who suffer from fibromyalgia experience chronic widespread muscle and joint pain.

Myositis means the muscles are inflamed. Inflammation doesn’t always cause pain; sometimes it causes weakness. Since myalgia and myositis refer to a symptom, which is generally a body response, such as pain or inflammation, they can be linked to a wide number of disorders. Therefore, a specific diagnosis is needed to treat people with these conditions.

Diseases that may cause myalgia and myositis 

There are a number of causes of myalgia and myositis that have been documented by medical professionals. Viruses like influenza, herpes simplex, Epstein Barr and poliomyelitis, as well as bacterial infections, including strep throat and Lyme disease, have been associated with the conditions.

Diseases that may cause myalgia and myositisHistoplasmosis, a fungus found in the droppings of birds and bats in humid climates that can infect human lungs, has been linked to myalgia and myositis. Additionally, there is evidence that the following could be causes of myalgia and myositis.

  • Immunizations
  • Medications (anticonvulsants, antibiotics, anticancer agents, diuretics)
  • Substance abuse
  • Poisons (snake, insect, spider bites or strychnine)
  • Deficiencies in vitamin C and B-complex
  • Deficiencies in minerals and electrolytes

When it comes to myalgia, certain endocrine and metabolic disorders, including hypothyroidismhyperthyroidism, Addison’s disease, diabetes mellitus and diabetic neuropathy can lead to pain. Connective tissue diseases, likelupus, rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia involve inflammation and may include myalgia and myositis.

A number of autoimmune diseases have been associated with both myalgia and myositis. The most well known aremultiple sclerosis, lupus, and sarcoidosis.

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