Re: The debilitation of the human body due to a scabies epidemic
In reply to eradicatenow, thought I was going crazy!!! I have every single symptom that you described, including the little black specs that float in your sight, causing blurry vision, that you have to blink a few times to clear, that had just receNtly started in the past week. Didn't realize it was all just because of the scabies outbreak, trying to deteriorate my body...HELP!! I am literally at the point of seriously freaking out! Nobody,(family, friends), believes me. They think I'm over-reacting or just imagining all of it. Thank goodness I happened across this site and saw your post. I literally spent 2 hours, removing about 100 of the mites, in various stages of growth, from the same c spot! What can I do? What have you done? Are you even around anymore? Please, take the time to respond, if your able. Could REALLY use the support and some help, (please?), from someone that understands. Thank you for your post,I hope you have been able to eradicate these nasty little bugs from your body and feel more comfortable, (and alone), in your skin. -Best Wishes, Lilygazer